Hi, I'm TURQUOISE. I'm a MALE! I was born at 4:10 PM on Thursday, 2/11, 2016. I'm growing fast!

Newborn: 15 oz.

3 days: 1.5 lb.

6 days old: I got my dewclaws removed today. I survived!

1 week: 2 lb. 13 oz.

2 weeks: 4 lbs. 2 oz.

2/27/2016 I drank my deworming meds like a champ! Looks like I may take after my dad. My mom says that is a good thing.

Turquoise's Photo Show @2 weeks old

3 weeks: 5 lbs. 6 oz.

3/8/2016: I was soooo hungry that the lady with the camera and the man she always hugs fed me something they called "Puppy Kibble" or "Puppy Soup." Yeah. It was like 3:00 in the morning when that happened. It made me feel special they'd make such a big deal about that pit in my stomach.

3/9/2016: Guess what? I hear that in a few weeks I'm going to live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. My new owner said she's going to send me a scarf with her scent on it. I already love her. 

4 weeks: 8 lbs. 5 oz.

3/13/2016: I took my deworming meds like a champ!

5 weeks: 9 lbs. 6 oz.

3/17/2016: It was a good day in the the mail for me! My new master from New Mexico sent me a bandana. It smells like her, so I will know her when she comes to get me in a couple of weeks. She also sent a blanket for my mommy to sleep on. Isn't that sweet? When I leave my litter, at least I will still get to sniff her and that will bring me comfort.

I also have a new name for the time being. Bandit. It's cause I have a mask on my face. But I'm not really a robber. While I DO like to step in the food tray when I'm eating, I leave plenty of puppy soup for my siblings. I am not called Bandit because I'm a thief. Yeah. I'm one of the good guys.





Living it up here in New Mexico and keeping my owner on her toes. Some people say that keeps you young. Others say it makes them tired.

So, my master calls me Bandit here where I live in New Mexico. And so-called crimes tend to happen here. Regularly. You know--things go missing. Like beef jerky. And chicken. Anything poultry, plastic, or stuffed really.

But I'm not called Bandit because I'm a thief. That's what Balla is for. She's the best accomplice, I mean sidekick, a Chessie could want. If you get me that chicken, I'll be your . . . Balla's my best friend.