When the August heat affects a stud's viability, an Ace is what you need for your mama dog to bear the gift of Christmas puppies! More info coming soon on the Cheyenne-Ace (Xanadu's Texas Hold'Em) breeding. Awaiting ultrasound confirmation mid-Sept. If positive, Cheyenne's 2nd litter of Chessie puppies are due: 10/19/17.
Who's the daddy? He is quite the stud at Xanadu Kennels. Rooster's registered name is CH Xanadu Rooster Cogburn at GE. He was a champion by 18 months. His father is CH Xanadu Ravin' Houston and carries 4 championships in foreign countries: Mexico, Pan American, Guatamala, and Costa Rica. His mother, CH Xanadu Afternoon Delight, is a beautiful female from the Chesabars line on the East coast. Rooster was in a litter of 9 males, all beautiful. He has produced 7 beautiful litters. Both parents are OFA excellent. Rooster was pre limed OFA before 24 months and was determined to be good to excellent. Rooster is free from DM, PRA and EIC, all genetic diseases. None of the Xanadu litters are line bred. He has a clear CERF, has a wonderful disposition, is well trained, and a beautiful dog. Most of his brothers are hunters.
How big will his pups get? With Cheyenne being a big girl (80#), their females could be anywhere from 65 to 80# at maturity. The males could go to 100#.