At three weeks of age, the Austin Chesapeakes Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies are learning new tricks and gaining exposure to new experiences. They're also getting into a little bit of mischief, but I'll save the details for another post.
For now, check out this list. It bullets some of the growth and changes we've seen in our pups this past week as these adorable new dogs are learning new tricks:
- Pups have discovered they have a voice. "Woof!" "Arf!" Howl, whine, for "up," "down," or "Miiilk!"
- Pups started teething.
- Pups try to eat their own legs or their siblings' ears. Note to self: time to buy chew toys.
- Pups are starting to play with each other.
- Pups now have some suitable chew toys to help them cut their teeth--legally.
- Pups notice new objects in their "world."
- Pups have noticed there is a world that lies beyond their puppy pool and want to discover it.
- Pups hung out with the PM's Gram and cousins this week.
- Pups took their 2nd "road trip"--this time in a kennel--to say hello to some Falcons football families and One Day Academy students.
- Pups get to experience walking around the bare floors for short bursts of time, multiple times a day, under many watchful eyes.
- Pups get to go outside and experience grass, sun, and even sledding (yes, sledding down the grassy hill on a picnic blanket, snuggled in the arms of and being towed by the Senior and Junior Puppy Managers or PMs).
If you're curious about the part about the mischief, let's just say one pup figured out how to escape the puppy pool. His sister has also tried without success . . . yet. Can you guess whom?
In other news: Next phase of puppy living is now in progress, at four weeks, we will begin to introduce puppies to food, Purple puppy is sold to a great Aggie family in College Station, TX, and #PuppyProject article will run in the Four Points News next week.