Shadow Cheyenne
Meet Cheyenne
For almost 14 years, Cheyenne graced our lives with her gentle soul, unwavering love, and fierce loyalty that reminds us of the faithfulness of God. She was more than just a dog—she was a mother, a grandmother, and a cherished member of the Cochran family, touching every life she encountered with a spirit so calm, sweet, and full of love.
Cheyenne's journey with us began after a storm of grief. We had just lost Dakota, our first family pet, a beloved Chessie puppy, who died an untimely death after she suffered a long, heartbreaking battle with meningitis that did not respond to treatment. The pain was heavy, especially for the kids. But amid sorrow, a rainbow appeared—Matt’s brother, who was a single man working full-time, offered us Cheyenne, knowing she deserved a family who could give her the love and attention she needed. We joke that not even a day went by that we didn’t poop scoop. Dakota died. The very next day Cheyenne joined our family and adopted us immediately. We remember how she stood watchfully at the door as a guard protecting her family. From the moment she joined our home, she brought warmth, healing, and a love that would enrich our family forever.
Fast forward. As a homeschool family with five kids, we saw an opportunity to teach our children some hands-on lessons about life and business . . . hence the #puppyproject. After much research including DNA tests, obtaining clearances and OFA x-rays for hips and elbows, and finding a reputable stud owner . . . We decided to breed Cheyenne. Website work began. Puppy managers (and those in training) prepared accordingly. Austin Chesapeakes was born.
Cheyenne is the matriarch of the Austin Chesapeakes bloodline. From early on, Cheyenne was a natural-born mother. She cared for her puppies with such tenderness, ensuring each one was clean, safe, fed, and loved. Cheyenne delivered six healthy, active pups in her first litter. We decided to keep “the yellow puppy”—her daughter Sierra to breed later. We loved her beautiful sedge coat, her even temperament, and her quirky show-dog personality. Even after Cheyenne’s pups went to their forever homes, Cheyenne dutifully bathed her daughter Sierra every day and continued to help with any cleanup—yes, that included puppy accidents!
When she wasn’t busy being a wonderful mother, Cheyenne was a water dog at heart. She loved swimming, and when her grand pup Aspen came along, she made sure to pass on her love for the water, teaching Aspen how to swim just like she had when she was young. Though their time together was just under three years, their bond was undeniable—a beautiful example of how love, even across generations, continues to ripple through time.
Perhaps one of the most touching parts of Cheyenne’s story was the bond she formed with Shannon after bringing her first litter into the world. Although it seemed she had grand ideas of raising her pups out in the wild (digging holes outside in preparation for birth), Cheyenne quickly learned she was living the rich dog life and followed Shannon’s direction to happily settle into the cozy comforts of the Lee Cochran family laundry room, the “maternity ward.”
Remembering Cheyenne . . . Matriarch of Austin Chesapeakes and Beloved “Shadow” . . .
Something special happened during Cheyenne’s labor and delivery experience that made her Shannon’s “Shadow.” Facilitating as Cheyenne brought forth the miracle of life—offering hydration w/ ice chips, energy boosts w/ Karo syrup, warming newborn puppies under the heat lamp while she delivered another puppy, hand-feeding the tired mama who had been nursing around the clock—the shared bond of motherhood solidified a sweet connection between Cheyenne and Shannon. From that moment on, Cheyenne followed her everywhere she went (as long as there wasn’t a door in the way). It was as if she had chosen Shannon as her person, and in return, Shannon gave Cheyenne a lifetime of love and devotion.
Similar to how Jesus spent His final moments on earth passing on the most important things to His followers in the Last Supper, in Cheyenne’s final days, we relaxed the “No table food for dogs" rule and gave her the uncommon pleasure of a few “Last Suppers” (plural). Knowing Cheyenne’s time to go the way of all the earth was coming soon, we let her enjoy a few last licks of all the flavors she had been missing out on after eating Costco brand salmon and sweet potato kibble for almost 14 years. Cheyenne approved of the eggs, can of tuna, and opportunity to pre-wash the Thanksgiving dinner dishes—not to mention that she practically swallowed the last piece of cherry pie whole.
Cheyenne lived a long and wonderful life, filled with snuggles, kindness, and an endless supply of love to share. In her final moments our family, including her daughter Sierra and Granddaughter Aspen encircled Cheyenne. We recounted the many good memories we enjoyed with Cheyenne. We remembered God’s promises as we read them aloud and God comforted us. Even as it hurt, the ache reminded us that we had loved deeply. We are grateful to God for giving us Cheyenne and letting us share so much love throughout the years. And in typical God-fashion, always providing immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine, the very next day after Cheyenne passed away, we took Aspen to breed. Perfect timing. How sweet of God to let Cheyenne’s legacy live on not only in all of our beautiful memories with her, but also in her daughter Sierra, granddaughter Aspen, and in Aspen’s puppies.
Rest easy, sweet Cheyenne. You were, and always will be, so deeply loved. 🐾❤️

In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.